Business Tips | Business Coaching
Let me just preface this entire blog post with a caveat…I have not been great at business boundaries as a WAHM. Over the past 3 1/2 years that my business has been alive I have learned alot and I have come a long way from where I was, but I am still actively growing in this area. So as I share tips with you today just know… I am also talking to myself. It is HARD!
A little backstory for you: I have two kiddos and at the time of this post they are 4 and 6 years old. That means that when this business of mine was born I had a baby and a toddler. I get tired just thinking about those years. If you are currently in the thick of having a baby and a toddler I just want you to know that you are SEEN.

If you are looking for specific tips on how the heck to build a business when you are always holding a baby and trying to keep your toddler from killing themselves check out my entire Naptime Chronicles Series!
Alright, so being a WAHM is extremely hard. We wear a lot of hats and it can be extremely difficult to switch the mom hat to the business owner hat and vice versa. If you don’t implement boundaries in your business it will definitely spill into your personal life. You will end up getting frustrated that your kids interrupt you and you can begin to forget that THEY are the most important work of all. Then gushes in the mom guilt…and the cycle repeats. If this sounds familiar below are some tips that I have learned (and are still trying to stick to) that have helped me over the years.

When you first start your business you are SO excited. You want to impulsively check your inbox and grow your following and your brand. If you are anything like me, and I’m going to be completely honest here, there were days that I would rather be working on my business than being with my kids. Your business can become an escape out of the world of diapers and spit up and into the real world with real adults who want to pay you for a service that you can provide. It feels good, right? Your desire to work on your business all the time is also exacerbated by the fact that you believe people want INSTANT replies and your presence online will dissipate if you are not working on it constantly. Squash those lies and set some boundaries.
Set office hours and stick to them. Get a babysitter during those daytime office hours. Build that naptime empire or work at night when they are in bed. Don’t go on social media or check your inbox outside of those office hours. It might take a few days of withdrawals to finally get into this new routine, but trust me it is so worth it.
Us creatives can enter a time warp when we are in the zone, so make sure you are setting timers so that you don’t get sucked into a task while ignoring other important things. So simple, but super helpful! As a photographer I have to set a timer as I begin editing because if I don’t then before I know it I need to go pick up my kids and I didn’t do anything on my to do list!
Parenting little ones can cause your mind to become absolute mush, I attribute most of that because you are most likely sleep deprived. Your memory is not something to rely on in this season. Utilize voice memos, Siri and Alexa Reminders, or keep a notebook handy so that you can offload things that you suddenly remember while in the middle of spending time with your kids. Then you can reference those lists and reminders during your office hours. Brilliant.
(Don’t miss Part 2 of this series! Find it here.)
I’m here to tell you it gets easier. Work on systematizing and automating your business as much as possible and you will be smooth sailing. Overwhelmed or no idea where to start? Need accountability or an extra push? Hire me as a business coach. I’d be honored.
If you are looking for more free educational resources head over to my Youtube Channel and follow along over on Instagram!