On New Years Eve my husband and I have two traditions. First we go through our memory jar and read all of the hilarious stories written on slips of paper that we wrote over the past 12 months. Once we have read them all, we pour a glass of wine, take out a notebook, and write out some specific goals for the new year. One of my goals this year was to read at least 6 books. I am a mother of young children… and reading books hasn’t been something that I really made time for over the last 5 years and I really wanted to change that.
I had a list of books that I wanted to read. All Non-Fiction. All to help me better myself or my business. As the year went on…and I got into the habit of reading…I realized I was going to crush my goal. As recommendations and suggestions for new reads came up I wrote them down and as I finished one book I would pick up another. I ended up reading 17 books this year!! (thanks quarantine?) After reading each book I rated how I liked it out of 5 and then wrote a very short synopsis. The rating is TOTALLY subjective. For the record I am a high achieving Enneagram 3, so I don’t need books about how to get motivated or organized, those aren’t helpful for me. I’m also very easily bored if stories get too dull or …long. So take my ratings with a LARGE grain of salt. Anywho, below are my top 5 favorite books that I read in 2020.
1. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
[Business & Personal] 5/5
This book was so empowering not only in my business but also in my personal life. This book teaches that everyone has the freedom to choose their responses. You can always write your own script, you don’t have to be contained to what was written for you. The book describes how to be principle centered and have an abundance mentality. The author also talks a lot about when one is dealing with a difficult situation they should use empathetic listening. When emotions are running high try to rephrase content and reflect feeling until you get a logical response, only then can you share your own thoughts. It really touches on so many good points! A must read!
2. “Profit First”
[Business] 5/5
I think this book resonated with me so much because it explained a different way of looking at your business accounts… in a similar way to how my husband and I already run our personal accounts. It discussed creating sinker funds in your business by taking percentages from your income twice a month and putting them into other funds – out of sight our of mind! This forces you to do more on less and get creative.
3. “Radical”
[Personal] 5/5
This book was about taking your faith back from the American dream and have radical obedience to Christ. Christians are called to sacrificial giving, not just giving out of excess. The author talks about action and that when you receive God’s grace you are to extend his glory by reaching out, not staying put and playing it safe. Highly recommend!
4. “Get Out of Your Head”
[Personal] 5/5
There is a battle going on in your mind. This book talks about how you can be prepared for the fight and to remember you always have a choice to change the course of a mental downward spiral. You can replace lies with truth and stay above emotional turmoil. She explains how and gives tips and examples!
5. “Digital Minimalism”
[Personal] 5/5
Tech companies are exploiting human psychology with attention seeking marketing. Because of the addictions that we are facing with technology we are experiencing solitude deprivation which is causing the worst mental health crisis ever seen. This book provides tips on how to break the addiction and set up healthy boundaries with technology.
6. “Peace Child”
[Personal] 5/5
Wow! This book was impossible to put down! It is very hard to give a synopsis of this book without giving away the best parts. I will say the book is about missionaries that live among a stone age tribal people who practice cannibalism. Comes to find out, God has been preparing this culture for redemption. So good!
All 17 Titles with rating:
- Your Best Year Ever ⅗
- Purple Cow ⅗
- Love is the Killer App ⅘
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 5/5
- Profit First 5/5
- Mothers, Daughters, and Body Image ⅗
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad ⅘
- Stories That Stick ⅘
- Radical 5/5
- Get Out of Your Head 5/5
- The Case for Christ ⅘
- Digital Minimalism 5/5
- The E-Myth ⅘
- The Checklist Manifesto ⅘
- Peace Child 5/5
- Twelve Ordinary Men ⅗
- The Gospel of Yes 2/5
- Blink (Currently Reading)
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