As a professional photographer I know very well the challenges and rewards of running a successful business in the photography industry.
I’m excited to finally offer business coaching for photographers.
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced photographer looking to take your business to the next level, business coaching can be an invaluable tool for achieving your goals.
In this blog post, we’ll explore how I offer business coaching for photographers and why it’s essential for your success.

How I started
In the summer of 2018 I was struggling. I had taken a year off of working (which was the first time I didn’t work in my whole working aged life) to adjust to having two kids.
I loved being a stay at home mom, but I also missed working. I was going back and forth…do I go back to teaching full time?! Do I just go back to teaching night classes? Do I get some online job?…I was torn.
One night as I was verbally processing all of this, and my husband asked me “well if you could do anything in the world, anything…what would it be?”. I’m a bit of a realist, and I couldn’t even answer the question. I kept saying “it doesn’t matter what I would want to do if I could do ANYTHING…that’s not real life”.
He pressed me to give an answer. Finally I blurted out…
“I would run a full time photography business!”
I felt so silly saying that out loud. I was a teacher. I had a degree for it. In fact I have TWO degrees for it. I felt tethered to that profession.
My husband encouraged me and basically said that my excuses were bologna and breathed life into my suppressed dream. If you know me at all, you know I get things done. So immediately I legitimized my hobby and began building Amanda Rai Photography as we all know it today.
I have built this 6 figure photography business from scratch. Absolutely no experience in business and very little in photography.
I’m excited and ready to teach what I learned along the way as a photography business coach and share the secrets of success with you!
Why Business Coaching for Photographers?
Photographers often focus on the creative side of their work, leaving the business side to chance. However, running a successful photography business requires much more than just talent and technical skills.
You need to be able to market yourself effectively, build a strong brand, set prices that reflect the value of your work, and manage your finances. You also need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry.
Business coaching for photographers helps you develop the skills and strategies you need to achieve your business goals. It provides you with personalized guidance, support, and accountability, enabling you to overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, and stay on track.

How I Offer Business Coaching for Photographers
My business coaching services for photographers are for creatives who are about 1-3 years in their businesses. It is about that time when you might start to feel stuck, or you are looking for more freedom FROM your business.
I offer a group coaching program called the A Rai Mastermind that is an in depth quarter long program.
This includes weekly prompts and video lessons as well as bi-montly group calls where we deep dive into specific areas that you want to learn more about. I am available for you to ask any questions that you have along the way.
This program will transform your business and allow you to make more money while spending less time IN the business. You will learn how to design your business to fit your life, not the other way around.
Here’s how to get more information about this business coaching for photographers:
You just put your name on the waitlist, and when the program becomes available I will send out an email! That’s it!
Let me support you and your dreams.
Business coaching for photographers is an essential tool for achieving your business goals and growing your photography business.
It doesn’t matter if you are looking for specifically a wedding photography business coach, or a business coach in any other niche, my tried and true systems will work for any small business.
It provides personalized guidance, support, and accountability, enabling you to overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, and stay on track. Whether you’re a fairly new photographer or an established professional looking to take your business to the next level, business coaching can help you succeed.
Head over to my Instagram where I share lots of free business coaching for photographers.
Psst…before you go.

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