Starting to dive into the world of photography is both exciting and a bit nerve racking. Maybe you are dabbling into photography because you want to learn how to take better photos of your family. Or perhaps you are thinking about trying your hand at photography for a potential career move.
You might be in high school and are thinking of online education to catapult your photography business. Whatever the case may be, there are plenty of great online photography courses you can take that will teach you everything you need to know to create beautiful images.
Beginner Photography Courses
1. Amy and Jordan
When I first saw Amy and Jordan’s photography I instantly fell in love. Their images were photographs I could only dream of taking. They offer a free webinar that I took (and you can also take here) that I inhaled.
I wrote down copious notes and practiced until I understood everything. When I saw the progress that I made just by watching a free one hour mini course, I knew they were the educators for me.
I bought their Shooting and Editing Course just months before I photographed my first wedding. I loved it. I learned so much. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to understand how to use their professional camera and how to apply some basic edits.
2. Katelyn James
I have always been drawn to Katelyn James’ photography because of the way she utilizes light. I was in awe of her images that were full of bright green grass, but perfect skin tones. I always tried to avoid grass because the greens always overpowered my images.
Amy and Jordan took my photography to the next level, but at the moment most of their photography was in Arizona, and I didn’t feel like they helped me navigate bright neon green grass reflecting on my subject’s skin resulting in nasty hues that I didn’t know how to get rid of.
I was feeling frustrated, until I learned about Katelyn’s Lighting and Location course.
There were definitely a little overlap between this course and Amy & Jordan’s, but it covered a lot of what was hindering my photography from reaching the next level. Katelyn really breaks down how light works, how you can control it, and how important locations are. This was really ground breaking for me.
Free Mini Training
Most of what I know about photography came from these two. I have created a quick 5 Day Mini Email Course that discusses some of the key things I have learned, with a little of my own flair added in.
It doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone that you use to capture moments or a brand new mirrorless camera that you want to use for your professional business.
The tips I share in this mini training apply to everyone because I talk about LIGHT. Light can make or break an image. I break down some big secrets in this email training.
Maybe you will have a big breakthrough just like I did when I learned about them!
There is a lot of online education out there right now. You can essentially learn anything you want.
If you are feeling drawn to start a photography business, or you simply just want to upgrade your skills, know that I was right there with you 5 years ago. If you are struggling on figuring out where to start, start with free!
Signup for my free 5 day mini course as well as other free online trainings. Soak up everything you can. With dedication and lots of practice, you too will see exponential growth just like I did.
Feel stuck? Need help? I also offer business coaching! If you are interested in hiring me as your coach (and number one hype girl) click here and scroll all the way down to contact me and see if we are a great fit!
Psst…before you go.

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