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On New Years Eve my husband and I have two traditions. First we go through our memory jar and read all of the hilarious stories written on slips of paper that we wrote over the past 12 months. Once we have read them all, we pour a glass of wine, take out a notebook, and write out some specific goals for the new year. One of my goals this year was to read 5 business books. Looking back that wasn’t a very big goal, I should have made it bigger!
Now, I have only read Non-Fiction over the past decade. I love reading a book that I think will help me grow. I can’t help it. Maybe it is my personality (enneagram 3 anyone?). This past year I crushed my goal (with the help of audiobooks) and read a total of 20 books, 7 of which were business books! I took a deep dive into homeschool books after deciding that we would homeschool in the spring. I really got lost down a rabbit hole. (Click here to find a list of some of my favorite homeschooling books.)
After reading each book I rated how I liked it out of 5 and then wrote a very short synopsis. The rating is TOTALLY subjective. Like I said I’m a Non-Fiction girl and I’m also very easily bored if stories get too dull or …long. So take my ratings with a LARGE grain of salt. Anywho, below are my top 6 favorite books that I read in 2022 with the total list at the bottom of the page!
1. “The 4 Hour Workweek”
[Personal, Business] 5/5
Although I didn’t enjoy the whole book, some of it wasn’t my jam, I did take away some huge ideas. Only after reading this book my dream of being a snowbird really began to take flight. Tim Ferriss uncovers the secrets of working less and he claims that the 9-5 working in one location mandate does not have to be your life. He gives tips and tricks to help you get unstuck. I felt like reading this book definitely uncovered some repressed dreams I had!
2. “The Coddling of the American Mind”
[Personal, Business] 5/5
I’ll be the first to admit that this book is dense! It takes a while to get through because it requires lots of breaks. This book is definitely a book that you can only read for 5 minute intervals and then let digest for a while before picking up again. I love all things psychology and the way the authors break down the psychological and sociological state that America is in was fascinating to me. I enjoyed it!
3. “Unhurried Homeschooler”
[Personal] 5/5
Remember how I mentioned that I went down the rabbit hole of homeschool books? Well this was my very first ever introduction to how a homeschool environment can (and should) be drastically different from a public school model. I craved slow mornings, meaningful connection, and discipling my children. Durenda Wilson made that all seem possible. She spoke such life into what I thought was only a pipe dream. She helped me to visualize what our homeschool days could look like. Peaceful, intentional, and unhurried.
4. “The Power of Habit”
[Personal] 5/5
Like I mentioned above, I love books that take a deep dive into the psychology of the mind. It fascinates me and holds my attention like no other. This book was so fun to read for me. The author had countless stories and science to share. What I found most interesting was that you cannot get rid of old habits, but you can only rewire them. The human brain is nuts.
5. “Awaking Wonder”
[Personal] 5/5
This book felt like I was sitting on a comfy couch having coffee with a soft spoken wiser woman who had homeschooled all of her children already. Sally Clarkson knows how to breathe life into a weary mom! Awaking Wonder was such an encouragement for me to read. I found myself shaking my head in agreement and shouting “YES! She gets it!” multiple times. I felt so inspired with many different ways to awake wonder in my children and foster a love of learning in our homeschool.
6. “The Gap and the Gain”
[Business] 5/5
This book was a gift from my husband. He was listening to a random podcast one day and someone who was being featured on the show was talking about this book. He mentioned that this book is perfect for high achievers who struggle with celebrating their successes, especially as they hit crazy goals that they set for themselves. His ears pinged and he thought about me! I am so glad that he did because this book is small but mighty. There really isn’t a whole lot of content in the book but it changed my outlook. The main lesson that the author wants to drive home is that you should always be measuring your progress against your past, not a future ideal. Simple, but mighty.
All 20 Titles with rating:
- 4 Hour Workweek 5/5
- Vivid Vision 2/5
- Business Brilliant 4/5
- Thing and Grow Rich 3/5
- Emotional Intelligence 3/5
- The Coddling of the American Mind 5/5
- Passion Driven Education 4/5
- Unhurried Homeschooler 5/5
- Wild & Free 4/5
- Read Aloud Family 4/5
- Rethinking School 5/5
- Know and Tell 4/5
- Awaking Wonder 5/5
- The 4 Hour Workweek 5/5
- The Power of Habit 5/5
- How Are You Really 4/5
- Leaders Eat Last 4/5
- The Gap and The Gain 5/5
- Travel the World on $50 a day 4/5
- Last Child In The Woods 5/5
To check out my top favorites from 2021, click here, and for 2020 click here!